Johns Hopkins Special Pathogens Center


The Johns Hopkins Special Pathogens Center is dedicated to preparing for, 监测和治疗高致命性感染和来源不明的疾病. 我们的中心汇集了约翰霍普金斯医学三个不同领域的专业知识-临床护理, research and education — to respond to special pathogens.

Areas of Expertise

Clinical Care

The Johns Hopkins Biocontainment Unit (BCU)是13个联邦资助的区域新兴特殊病原体治疗中心之一. It is one of the premier high-level isolation units in the world, 随时准备照顾感染特殊病原体的推荐十大正规网赌平台. BCU照顾正在接受埃博拉和马尔堡等病毒性出血热调查的人, and it played a critical role in the local, regional and national response to COVID-19.

Research Spotlight专门的生物控制推荐十大正规网赌平台护理单位在准备COVID-19和其他传染病暴发中的作用



特殊病原体中心开展研究,以推进生物控制护理科学,包括建筑环境方面的工作, personal protective equipment (PPE), clinical protocols, staff safety, waste management and clinical countermeasures. The center is also the home of the Johns Hopkins Precision Medicine Center of Excellence for COVID-19. The COVID-19 PMCOE is dedicated to understanding the pathobiology, clinical manifestations and treatment of COVID-19. The center demonstrated the real-world benefits of COVID treatments, developed real-time prediction models used by clinicians around the world, 并表明脉搏血氧仪低估了代表性不足的少数民族的低氧血症. The center continues to conduct cutting-edge research on COVID-19, and will apply lessons learned to other infectious disease threats.

Research SpotlightCOVID-19患者脉搏血氧测定的种族差异和治疗资格的延迟识别



The center is dedicated to educating healthcare providers, 卫生系统和社区如何安全有效地应对特殊病原体事件. One of the highlights of the center’s education work is the Special Pathogens Training and Education Program (STEP). STEP是世界上最大和最成功的特殊病原体培训项目之一. 成立于2018年,旨在帮助一线医院为病毒性出血热患者做好准备, STEP在美国对500名一线卫生保健工作者和领导人进行了30多次现场培训.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Region 3. STEP was instrumental in helping Region 3 hospitals respond to COVID-19, 它仍然是区域传染病教育和防范的重要资源.

有关STEP的更多信息,请联系行政总监克里斯·索尔蒙特 [email protected].

Research Spotlight创建安全官员计划,以加强工作人员在护理COVID-19患者期间的安全

Two healthcare works wearing full protective wear.

How a Biocontainment Unit Helped Lead the Response to COVID-19

Watch an interview with Brian Garibaldi, M.D., director of the Special Pathogens Center. 这是约翰霍普金斯医学院应对COVID-19大流行的系列视频的一部分, 加里波第描述了约翰霍普金斯大学生物控制小组如何在卫生系统的多学科规划和反应中发挥重要作用.

Select Peer-Reviewed Publications


这篇文章描述了脉搏血氧仪如何在代表性不足的少数民族中更频繁地低估低氧血症, 这可能导致延迟识别有资格接受covid -19特定治疗的个人.

Development of Severe COVID-19 Adaptive Risk Predictor (SCARP), 预测COVID-19住院患者严重疾病或死亡的计算器



本文描述了约翰霍普金斯大学BCU准备评估工具的开发, which is focused on critical infrastructure, staffing and supply elements required for rapid unit activation.

Special Pathogen Regional Partnerships

约翰霍普金斯医院是HHS第三区新兴特殊病原体治疗中心. In this role, 我们与国家新兴特殊病原体培训和教育中心(NETEC)合作,向美国各地的一线医院和卫生保健机构提供有关特殊病原体的教育.S.

Additional Resources

  • Johns Hopkins Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases

    约翰霍普金斯大学的传染病科因其在传染病的研究和治疗方面的卓越表现而享誉国内外. 该部门拥有400多名员工,其主要目标是在全球范围内防治传染病.

  • Johns Hopkins Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

    肺和重症医学部努力改善我们自己的推荐十大正规网赌平台和那些我们可能永远不会遇到的人的健康, by teaching and advancing the state of medical knowledge. 该科拥有70多名全职教师和兼职临床教师,他们的专业知识包括哮喘, COPD, critical care, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, lung transplantation, neuromuscular disease, pulmonary hypertension, sarcoidosis and sleep medicine.


Christopher Sulmonte, M.H.A.

Administrative Director

Christopher Sulmonte, M.H.A.

Jade Flinn, M.S.N., R.N.

Director of Operations

Jade Flinn, M.S.N., R.N., C.C.R.N., C.N.R.N.

Carrie Billman, R.N., C.I.C.

Director of Education and Infection Prevention

Headshot of Carrie Billman

Mark Romig, M.D.

Director of Critical Care 

headshot of Mark Romig

Chad Bowman, M.S.N., R.N., C.F.R.N., N.R.P.

Director of Transport Operations

Headshot of Chad Bowman

Dorinda Thomas 

Administrative Coordinator